US Courts overturn Canadian Beef Importation InjunctionWhat does this mean for US consumers? Well, a lot, really. Commercial grades of beef should plummet and retail prices should see a similar reduction. Presently, even USDA Select loin product is wholesaling above $5/lbs. I've heard on the coasts that Choice is up to $15/lbs retail. Yeouch. But a reeling Canadian beef market should help flood the market and drop prices back down to close to pre-BSE/lo-carb fad explosion.
However, we're not out of the woods. The Ranchers lobbiers R-CALF cattle ranches who brought forth the freshly overturned injunction are due in court on 23/7/05 to file for a permanent injunction. Most experts expect this to be denied in light of the US Court of Appeals rulings, USDA Secretary Mike Johanns, CFIA and Andy Mitchell, the Canadian Ag Minister, and US Sect. of Treasury John Snow's statment assuring the safety of Canadian beef.